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Privacy Policy of HERIO

User Privacy Notice

Following is a description of the types of data collected from users by Herio, how we use it, who we share it with, and how long we keep it for. In case of any questions about the matter related to the subject you may email us at

Who we are

This document (hereinafter - the Policy) is a policy of Herio App LLC (ID: 405557954) (herein after referred to as a “Company”, “data controller”), which sets out the principles and mechanisms for the collection, processing and protection of personal data by the Company. “Personal data”, or “personal information” means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. It does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymous data).

Purpose of the policy

The purpose of the policy is: 1) to protect human rights and freedoms, including privacy, while processing the personal data by the Company;2) ensuring the security of personal data; 3) Compliance with the normative acts related to the protection of personal data, including the provisions of the Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection.

Personal data Herio collects on Users

1.    Information provided may include:

User profile: for a student to create an account on Herio platform we may require the following: full name, university, university degree, mobile phone number, year of graduation, date of birth, work experience (if any), details of work experience, profile picture, payment information, and password. This information is used to sign up at Herio.
preferences: information about future availability to take jobs including the dates and times of day you want to work, and areas you aren’t willing or able to work.

2.    Information created when using our services. This may include:

Marketing data: we may use our correspondence with individuals to generate information on how you respond to email, phone, messaging, social media, text, and post campaigns.

Communication data: we may communicate with users on the phone, in the app, by email and on WhatsApp. We may keep a record of this correspondence.

Location information: depending on the device permissions Herio may collect precise or approximate location. We collect this information when the Herio App is running in the foreground or background of the device. You may turn it off.

3.    Information provided by other sources. This may include:

Verification meeting feedback: this includes a comments on work experience and on factors including politeness, present ability and language-speaking ability.·      

Business User feedback on your performance: this includes an overall rating on your personality, attitude, presentability, speaking ability, uniform and lateness.

How Herio uses personal data

Herio uses the personal data of Student Users for purposes including:

1.    To provide and improve the services and features we offer to users.
2.    To provide customer support
3.    To ensure safety and security.
4.    To communicate relevant information
5.    To deal with hearings, termination and disputes.

Grounds for our processing your data

Herio processes your information based on one or more of the following legal bases:

1.    Contract - Our primary objective is to match youthUsers to Businesses for jobs.
2.    Legitimate interests - In some cases Herio may use the personal information of Student Users to pursue our legitimate business interest, provided Students’ interests and fundamental rights do not override those interest.
3.    Consent - We also rely on consent for the following processing:

       ·       Any information used for marketing purposes is processed either relying on consent or legitimate interest (if it is related to a services you have purchased form us in the past – see above). You may unsubscribe form these communications at any time.

Sharing your data

Herio may share the data we collect:

1.    With Business Users of Herio

Businesses need to know – for security and operational reasons – who is coming to their job. We therefore share a limited version of your profile with Business Users when you are matched with them. This limited profile includes your public profile data.

2.    With third party services providers

Herio mayshare personal information with third parties where required by law, where itis necessary to administer the contract between us and you or where we haveanother legitimate interest in doing so. 

We share personal data with third parties as follows: 

       ·      With Webflow, web services provider and data collector.
       ·      With our instant messaging and customer service messaging providers, including WhatsApp and Zendesk
·      With our web hosting provider
·      With our email and file sharing applications and providers, including Gsuite.
       ·      With our calendar and booking providers, including Calendly

With may share with other suppliers. The supplier(s) will be subject tocontractual and other legal obligations to preserve the confidentiality of dataand to respect privacy and will only have access to the data they need to performtheir functions.  

All our third-party service providers and other entities in the group are required to take appropriate security measures to protect personal information in line with our policies. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use personal data other than for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.

Retaining and deleting your data

Herio will only retain personal information for as long asnecessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for thepurposes of satisfying any legal, accounting or reporting requirements.  

In some circumstances, Herio may anonymise personal in formation so that it can no longer be associated with you, in which case Herio may usesuch information without further notice to you. Once a User is no longer aregistered user Stint will retain and securely destroy personal information inaccordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Automated Decision Making

We use an algorithm to match Student Users with businesses.This algorithm takes into account several parameters. You have the right not to be subject to decisions which are based solely on automated decision making. If you feel you have been treated unfairly you can write to us.

Your rights

Under certain circumstances, by law you have the right to: 

       ·       Request access to personal information (commonly known as a “data subject access request”).
       ·       Request correction of the personal information that we hold about you.
       ·       Request erasure or restriction of processing of personal information.

Changes to this privacy policy

Herio reserves the right to update this privacy policy at any time. We will keep updated every necessary stakeholder about the new privacy policy when we make any substantial updates. We may also notify stakeholders from time to time about the processing of their personal information through the Herio App or through other means such as email. We encourage users to review this privacy policy regularly for the latest information on our privacy practices.